Welcome to IRDT Uttarakhand E-Syllabus Web Portal

Duration :
Eligibility : 10th with Science & Mathematics
Intake : 25/40/60(As approved by AICTE/State Govt.)
Pattern of the Examination : Semester System
Assessment Type : The assessment will we carry out through credit point system/Learning Based Out comes
Theory & Practical Ratio : 50: 50
Industrial Training: Included after IInd Semester
Ecology & Environment : As pe Government Directions a subject named Environmental Science & Energy Management has been included.
Entrepreneurship Development: A subject on Entrepreneurship Development has been incorporated after IInd Semester.
General Proficiency : A provision of 6 periods per week has been made. It Included of various cocurricular activities like games, hobby clubs, seminars, declamation contests, extension lectures, NCC, NSS, cultural activities and discipline etc.


Paper Code :
Paper Name :
Semi Conductor Diode
P and N type semiconductors and their conductivity. Effect of temperature on conductivity of intrinsic semi conductor. PN junction diode, mechanism of current flow in PN junction, Drift and diffusion current, depletion layer, forward and reverse biased PN junction, potential barrier, concept of junction capacitance in forward and reverse bias condition. V-I characteristics, static and dynamic resistance . Diode as half wave, full wave and bridge rectifier. PIV, rectification efficiencies and ripple factor. Zener and avalanche breakdown, Working of Zener diode, Zener diode as a voltage regulator.
Concept of bipolar transistor, structure.    PNP and NPN transistor, their symbols and mechanism of current flow. Current relations in transistor; concept of leakage current. CB, CE, CC configuration of the transistor. Input and output characteristics in CB and CE configurations. Transistor as a switch. 
Transistor Biasing Circuits                                                                  
Concept of transistor biasing and selection of operating point. Need for stabilization of operating point. Different types of biasing circuits.
Single Stage Transistor Amplifier                                                         
Classification of Amplifier. Single stage transistor amplifier circuits.
Construction, operation and characteristics of JFET and its application. Construction, operation and characteristics of MOSFET in depletion and enhancement modes and its applications. C-MOS advantages and applications .
1 Familiarization, identification and testing of active and passive components. 
2. Familiarization with operations of different Electronics instruments like analog & digital Multi-meter, CRO, Signal generator, Regulated Power Supply 
3. To plot V-I characteristics of PN Junction diode 
4. To plot V-I characteristics of a Zener diode & observe its use as voltage regulator 
5. To observe the wave shape of following rectifier circuit 
Half wave rectifier 
Full wave rectifier 
Bridge rectifier 
6.  To plot the wave shape of full wave rectifier with 
Shunt capacitor filter 
Series capacitor filter 
7.  To plot input and output characteristics and calculate parameter of transistor in CE configuration 
8.  To plot input and output characteristics and calculate parameter of transistor in CB configuration 
9.  To plot V-I characteristics of FET Transistor 
 Familiarization, identification and testing of active and passive components. 
1 Basic Electronics and Linear circuit by NN Bhargava and Kulshreshta, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi. 
2. Electronics Devices and circuits by D.C. Kulshereshtha; New Age Publishers, New Delhi. 
3. Principle of Electrical and Electronics Engineering by VK Mehta; S Chand and Co. New Delhi. 
4. Electronics Components and Materials by SM Dhi, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi. 
5. Electronics Device and circuits by Millman and Halkias; McGraw Hill. 
6. Principle of Electronics by Albert Paul Malvino; Tata McGraw Hill. 
7. Electronics Devices and circuits-I by Naresh Gupta, JyoteshMalhotra and Harish CSaini, Eagle Prakashan, Jalandhar. 
8. Electronics Devices .and circuits by Rama Reddy, Narosa Publishing House Pvt.Ltd. New Delhi. 

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